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E-Commerce SEO Packages & Services

Boost traffic, increase sales and conversion, and become

an SEO and Digital Marketing expert.

E-Commerce SEO Packages


I offer a 6-month SEO retainer service for e-commerce websites looking to hire a full-time staff member but aren't quite there yet. I do the work for you to create a clear content strategy, and uncover top opportunity keywords and brands while you sit and watch your traffic grow


A mix of both

I get you started and teach you how to carry on. Great for small e-commerce businesses looking to up their e-commerce game but not ready to hire a full-time marketer or pay a monthly retainer fee.

I create the strategy, implement for three months, and then teach you how to continue to implement effectively.


You'll be making the updates yourself but I will be right alongside you, helping to create a comprehensive strategy, teaching you how to track progress, and leaving you with incredible SEO and marketing templates for your team to use all-year round. Great for training a new team member or becoming an expert yourself

SEO Retainer Program

SEO Retainer

The purpose of the E-Commerce SEO retainer program is to consistently drive organic SEO updates to your business to:


  • Target new and valuable customers


  • Grow brand awareness and drive conversion online


  • Feel amazing about your site, content, and know you are optimizing and growing to your fullest potential


  • Identify new product assortment opportunties to continue to grow your online revenue

How the SEO Retainer Program Works:

Strategy Development:  

Timeline: 1 month

Developing an SEO strategy for your website is essential to driving new traffic. We start with a business overview call where I learn all of the details of your business: the history, what your objectives are, and what brands or products you are looking to grow.

I will also audit your current website and complete a competitive analysis to better understand what your competitor's are implementing that is driving success. 


Kick-off call: 1-2 hour detailed call to get into the nitty-gritty details of your business. Who are you targeting? What promotions have you run in the past? We want to be clear about exactly who you are looking to target

Website audit:  In the kick-off call we will also complete a website audit. I will give you feedback on technical website performance and current keywords.

Implementation Stage:

Timeline: 1-2 months

After our kick-off call I will start working on developing a page-by-pge strategy for your website. I focus first on the top 5 landing pages or product categories. I will create a comprehensive keyword list and page mockups for implementation. Before I start making any changes, I will need full access to your website and we will have a call to walk through everything.


SEO Strategy Call: 1-2 hour call to review the SEO strategy, walk through initial updates, and a complete competitive analysis. I will get your okay on the updates before I start making changes

Website Improvements: This is where the fun begins! I start working on all updates we walked through on your website, targeting the top priority landing pages and product pages. I also update any technical website errors you may be having.

Monitoring and Continuous Updates: 

Timeline: Ongoing

We don't stop after the initial updates are made to the website. I am constantly monitoring and updating the progress, making changes where needed. When we are in a good spot with your top priority pages, I start to move through the rest of your website.

On a weekly basis, I go through and update new product pages that have been added to the site to continue to enhance SEO. 

I also start tracking and reporting back the progress we are seeing through monthly calls. In those calls I also get a better understanding of what is changing in your business, and what promotions or product lines you would like to push each month.


Monthly Business Call:  1 hour call each month to review SEO progress and strategy, and to understand your merchandising priorities for the upcoming month.

Weekly SEO Updates:  Behind the scenes, I will be continuing to make updates to your landing pages and new product pages. We may not be chatting once a week but you will see the changes updated live on your site. Any questions you have, I am always available.

Monthly SEO Progress Tracker:  Once a month you will receive an in-depth report with insightson how we are progressing towards our SEO goals.

A Few Examples from the SEO Retainer Program

Client 1:

Situation: When we started working together

this client was losing traffic online and on

their social media accounts

Approach: Targeting national traffic and increasing mobile performance and image SERP performance

6-Month Results:

  • Increased total traffic by 40%, mobile traffic by 58%

  • Increased top 100 keyword count by 105%, 31 new keywords in the top 10

  • Increased image SERP results from 35 to 142


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Client 2:

Situation: Client has a brick-and-mortar location and online store. Online store was driving very little traffic and low sales, and local results for store category were not ranking.

Approach: Targeting local traffic and store category like CBD, home, apothecary. Drive conversion rates to make online a larger percentage of sales.

6-Month Results:

  • Increased organic traffic by 35%, social traffic by 638%

  • Increased organic traffic revenue by 70%, Average order value by 141%

  • Increased e-commerce conversion rate by 42%


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This Program Is For You If:


  • Are ready to receive custom guidance for your website

  • See potential to grow your online business but feel stuck and cannot develop a process

  • Have been implementing some SEO tactics but are not seeing success

  • Currently generate at least $5k a month online to support the investment


This Program Is Not For You If:


  • Do not have a completed website that sells products online

  • Feel there are other areas of development that you should invest in rather than SEO

  • Have a dedicated team member already working on SEO (my SEO Strategy Workshop would be a great fit)

  • Currently do not generate at least $5k a month online to support the investment

 (that's okay! The Website Refresh package is probably best for you)

SEO Retainer Pricing


There is a 6-month minimum commitment for the program. I only work on a few retainer programs a month so space is limited. To see if there is availability, please reach out here.

Website Refresh

E-Commerce Website Refresh Program

You don't want to commit to a full retainer program but you do need help implementing and putting a strategy in place. You want to learn more about the SEO process and how you can be strategic going forward.


The Website Refresh is a bit of the best from both worlds. I work alongside you for three months to create an SEO strategy, implement on the top pages, and create templates and reports so that you can take over. 


I used advance analysis and keyword research to make your strategy work, and I continue to test and update based on the first three months of results.


I have a Four Pillar Method Approach to the Website Refresh Program:


Part business strategy, part business therapy, we sit together for 1-2 hours to better understand your business. I will ask detailed questions and ask to log into your website and Google Analytics accounts.


Once we have a better understanding of your business, I start developing a strategy specifically for your business. I have developed a unique keyword SEO strategy that I will walk you through. When my research is completed we will have another call to walk through.


Now that the strategy has been developed and approved, I start implementing, making changes to your top 5 landing pages and top 100 product pages. I create templates for you to keep for any new pages created.


We won't know something is successful until we start tracking it. Every month I pull progress reports based on the goals that we select and walk you through what is and isn't working. We then make changes to the website to reflect that.

How the E-Commerce Website Refresh Works

1 Program. 3 Months. Unlimited Results

Sometimes your business just needs a little boost. That's exactly where the wesbite refresh program comes in. For three months I lead the way: working closely with you, the business owner, to create a full SEO strategy and implement it on your website. Then I do what I do best: track and monitor progress, and then adjust based on learnings. This isn't a static program, although we will meet monthly to review goals, I will be watching progress on a weekly basis and making updates based on what I am seeing.​

The end result? A highly optimized e-commerce website that will continue to grow, and pre-made templates that allow you to continue to improve your website in less than 2 hours a week.

What's Included?

Sanitizing Products for product navigation

Product Navigation

Product Navigation is important for SEO and conversion. I review your sales and SEO opportunities and present you with potential navigation updates.

Working on Laptop for an SEO strategy

SEO Strategy

I create an SEO strategy that can be implemented for several years. Then I go in and start making updates. Together, we target 5 landing pages and up to 50 product pages to optimize.

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SEO Templates

At the end of the project, I leave you with custom templates so you can easily continue to update your website with our SEO strategy best practices.

Ready to Get Started?

This program is great for e-commerce shops of any size. Let's connect and see if the program is a right fit for you.


Schedule a Free 30-Minute Meeting Below

Still Need More Info?

Check out my blog post on the E-Commerce Website Refresh


Or, shoot me an email below:

E-Commerce Website Refresh Pricing

program length: 3 months



  • 1:1 Phone Calls to discuss strategy and implementation

  • Updates to your top 5 Landing Pages and up to 50 Product Pages

  • Keyword Research Report with thousands of keywords

  • Competitive Analysis Report

  • Product Page Update templates for future updates

  • Monthly Progress Report


SEO Strategy Workshop

SEO Strategy Workshop

An 8-Week SEO Workshop developed to create a comprehensive e-commerce SEO strategy for your website. When taken in full, you will have a deeper knowledge of SEO and best practices, how your website is tracking in comparison to the competition, and what content updates and tracking methods to implement to grow your website's visibility and conversion.

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9 Custom Templates

9 custom templates made specifically for your business needs  that you can reference and update for SEO success

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Virtual 1:1 Coaching

Weekly 1:1 meetings to review your business and track progress

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Custom Strategy

A clear strategy specifically for your business with actionable insights to grow

WK 1:


Before getting started with Strategy, we will get down to the nitty gritty with all things SEO. You will walk away feeling more knowledgeable about SEO terminology, application, and how to get started.


1:1 Training: 90-Minutes Long

Prep-Work: No prep

Take Home Documents: 75-page SEO presentation



66% of online searches are for local businesses. Let's make sure your site is ready for local visitors. In this session we will get you set up in Google Maps and Apple maps, audit your Google My Business profile, review local SERP results and listing sites.


1:1 Training: 60-Minutes Long

Prep-Work: No prep

Take Home Documents: Local SEO Action List & Presentation



Finding the right keywords for your landing pages is critical to growing online traffic. In this session we will review what makes a good keyword and how to find niche keywords for your business. At the end of the session you will have a complete list of keywords for your website.


1:1 Training: 60-Minutes Long

Prep-Work: Keyword target list

Take Home Documents: Complete keyword list of your current keywords and optimal keywords for your top 5 landing pages.



Are you itching to know how your competition is performing? In this session we will review your top three competitors and assess what keywords and backlinks are driving their traffic. We will then complete a SWOT analysis on your business based on your competitor's insights


1:1 Training: 90-Minutes Long

Prep-Work: Competitive Analysis Template

Take Home Documents: Completed competitive analysis template and SWOT analysis



In this hands-on course we will walk through together how to update your website using the resources from keyword research and the competitive analysis. We will walk through on-page optimization for your website's landing pages and make the changes in real-time.


1:1 Training: 90-Minutes Long

Prep-Work: None

Take Home Documents: Website update checklist 



We have the product pages updated, now we will look into the details of an optimized product page. We will update pages in real-time and create a product page update template to save you time when creating new product pages.


1:1 Training: 60-Minutes Long

Prep-Work: None

Take Home Documents: Product Page templates



Now that we've optimized its time to start tracking our success! In this session we will make sure Google Search Console and Analytics are embedded in your website, and I will walk you through how to view reports and how to understand both portals.


1:1 Training: 90-Minutes Long

Prep-Work: None




In this last module you will receive several KPI tracking reports that you can maintain. I will pull the KPI's that we indicate are the most important for your growth and we will walk through how to track progress in less than 1 hour a month.


1:1 Training: 90-Minutes Long

Prep-Work: None


SEO Strategy Workshop Pricing:

program length: 8 weeks



  • Eight 1:1 Phone Calls to review business and SEO strategy

  • Nine custom templates to utilize your SEO strategy

  • Expert guidance from an SEO Strategist to give you a clear plan of action

  • Perfect for training a new marketing staff member or for a busy business owner who wants to implement on their own


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